Taking B&B Myth Busting into Our Own Hands

And now, a word from our innkeepers on the five most common myths in the B&B world.  They want you to know: A) You will not have to share a bathroom. Added bonus - many inns have spa-quality bathrooms. B) A B&B does not have to be historic to be licensed by us.  There are contemporary properties as equally B&B-worthy as historic mansions. C) You do not have to eat breakfast with strangers.  Interact as much or as little as you like - simply communicate your preference when you make your reservation. D) There is no curfew. Some inns have separate guest entrances, so stay out as late as you like. E) Innkeeping is not a hobby; it is a career and a passion. Remember, our innkeepers like to be asked questions, so no need to be in the dark or under a cloud of misperception when it comes to your B&B getaway.
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